Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mission Accomplished

We did it!!! Susan, Joel and I, as most of you already know from the more regular bloggers, all finished the St. George Marathon this past Saturday. We finished relatively close to each other with Susan finishing first with an approximate time of 4:24. I finished next with a time of 4:31 and Joel finished with a time of 4:38. It was one of the most fun things I have ever did. There is something to keep your attention the whole 26 miles. Everything from bleeding nipples to people in Mickey Mouse hats to the guy that has looked like he's going to fall over for the last 10 miles. It was a great experience and I know that I'll run another marathon in the future.

p.s. I plan on blogging more regularly because I've learned that not blogging is the easiest way to get kicked out of my family.